lesson for today...just because an old part looks ok does not mean it IS ok...
been chasing the tuning on the bike since I did the rehab. clearly running lean. did the propane test. definitely an air leak around the base of #3. hmm. only parts i did not replace were the lower "gaskets" between the TB's and the head. i had taken one of them off and it looked good. oh well, ordered three new ones...and...took the whole top of the engine apart again.

sure enough, the old ones were original and although soft, there is a raised built in "o-ring" on the bottom of these things. 20 years of being snugged against the hot head had resulted in them being flattened. no seal.

new ones

will test run and retune later this week.
project #2...when i went to put a 100/55w bulb in the head light, the old bulb just fell out. some prior owner had broken the metal locking lever off the lens. argh! bought new one. OUCH!
broken one. you can see where an attempt to glue was done at some point.

old and new

had to take half the fairing off to get to the headlight lens. many thanks to the instructions for this process on the motobrick site.

reassembly commences

but wait...while i was in there..bought a larger hella horn to replace the anemic stock one. ez replacement, much louder!

all back together.