Author Topic: Cycle Specialties ~ Modesto CA  (Read 5310 times)

Offline johnny

  • TrailBrakingThrottleWhacker
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Cycle Specialties ~ Modesto CA
« on: June 07, 2013, 12:38:46 AM »
cycle specialties... yawl...

been rolling to these folks in 2 decades... they gotts a tech who has been there a long time who rides a motobrick... all the folks who work here are standup human beings... they have mounted 5 or 6 sets of tiors... replaced my fluids... rebuilt my forks... scored a bunch of work there...

i would use these guys if i were in the area... they are total pro...

j o
  • :johnny i parks my 96 eleven hundert rs motobrick in dodge county cheezconsin  :johnny
