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The Motobrick Workshop / Re: No crank but will easily bump start
« Last post by sooprvylyn on Today at 04:38:21 PM »
If you find its like 12v or less, this could be the problem.  Over 12.1v and the bike usually tries to crank, but 12 or less and you may get nothing at all....and the lower the voltage the more likely you'll get nothing from the starter at all.

The start buttons do get dirty too.  They are pretty easy to clean.  When you take the switch assembly off the perch, and remove the screws on teh back to gain access to the switches, there will be a small circlip for the start button switch.  Remove it carefully and dont lose teh small spring inside.  You should be able to clean the contacts with rubbing alcohol and a q-tip.  I've seen them get totally caked with grime and prevent contact.  It's a 10 minute thing to check if that's the culprit.
The Motobrick Workshop / Re: Coolant Reservoir Replacement
« Last post by kique on Today at 04:33:16 PM »
Thank You!
I’ll test the battery as well while I’m digging in the starter… good idea
The Motobrick Workshop / Re: No crank but will easily bump start
« Last post by sooprvylyn on Today at 03:53:54 PM »
I know its probably not this easy your battery nice and charged?  Should read over 13v w a multimeter if it is.  Bike wont even crank if your battery gets too low, but your headlight would still turn on.

If its low, you'll need to figure out if your alternator is charging your battery, or if you just have a bad battery.
The Motobrick Workshop / Re: Coolant Reservoir Replacement
« Last post by sooprvylyn on Today at 03:32:44 PM »
here is the black cap one:

He also has a 100mm one that you MIGHT be able to use as is without buying the 150mm one if you are careful with your coolant levels as you fill the system...but 150mm is better.

The Motobrick Workshop / Re: Coolant Reservoir Replacement
« Last post by sooprvylyn on Today at 03:25:45 PM »
It's a computer coolant reservoir.  You have to build them yourself.  Luckily, I just did it and can give you all the details:

1. You need the reservoir.  You can use any you like, but if you want one with metal caps on them, they can be hard to find, and you need one that is about 6" tall(might be 6.5" total room available with the hoses installed) or less in order to fit in the location you are looking at in your photo.  I used this one by  bykski(this seller has a few colors) was 200mm x 50mm in size....which it too tall, but it has the nice metal caps that are hard to find

Then I had to order a shorter one from the same manufacturer at 150mm x 50mm like this one, and swap the acrylic tube to make one small enough to fit the location:,scm-url:1007.40050.354490.0,pvid:f2552485-4403-4485-b445-8888d369876c,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238112%231997&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%2116.15%2114.21%21%21%2116.15%2114.21%21%40210318ec17374903196041473ecb1a%2112000029289928690%21rec%21US%21%21ABX&utparam-url=scene%3ApcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller%7Cquery_from%3A

2. After this, you need is fittings.  The fitting size is g1/4.  I used the plugs I got with the 2nd 150mm tube I ordered on aliexpress for most of the holes.  For the very top hole, I drilled a very small hole in one of the threaded g1/4 plugs.  YOu can buy g1/4 pressure valves, but I dont trust them as they are 1-way valves and will allow for a vacuum  to build in your system when the bike is cool.  Its better to have a small hole similar to how the OEM reservoir was so the system can breathe properly.  You will also need a g1/4 to 1/4"(or 6mm)  hose barb to connect it to the hose barb that comes off the OEM fill spout(next to the coolant cap). I recommend a straight barb fitting instead of the 90 degree one I used.  Use any water hose you want to connect them.  I have a clear braided pressure hose on mine in the pic below.

3. You will  need to fashion a bracket to hold this.  If you buy the 50mm reservoir, you can use this round bracket I found on requires a little minor modification:

-in addition, you will need to fabricate a small flat bracket to connect the round bracket to the frame.  I have a file you can send to if you want to do something pretty, or you can just make it in your garage out of 1/8" thick alloy sheet metal.

Here is what mine looks like

You can build it however you like, there are a lot of of these computer coolant reservoirs out there.  Most of them are 100% plastic, which is fine and they'll work, but finding a nice metal cap one like this is hard. Most of the metal cap ones look cheesy like some gamer nerd made it "tacticool". 

BTW, no, the acrylic will NOT overheat and crack or have any damage at all.  The overflow tank will ONLY be hot very briefly when the coolant initially enters the reservoir.  It will cool off VERY rapidly if there is already some coolant in that reservoir, and the metal caps will act as heat sinks to further cool it down.  After the coolant is in there, no more coolant will go in there, and it doesnt circulate with the coolant as the bike runs.  It will be 100% cool to the touch within minutes of filling up. Many people have used these computer cooling reservoirs as radiator pukes on custom builds.

The entire cost to build the one I build was probably about  $60 including the brackets and fittings.

Edit: BTW, I note that the pic you used has green coolant.  You'll see I used blue.  Dont mix them, use whatever your bike already has in it.  If you want to change the coolant color, you need to completely flush your system with distilled water a few times...nd make sure you remove the thermostat so you can flush the entire radiator(put it back once flushed).  I completely rebuilt my cooling system (including redoing pump seals and impeller), so my system was brand new when I chose the blue coolant(engine ice).

The Motobrick Workshop / Coolant Reservoir Replacement
« Last post by kique on Today at 02:12:14 AM »
Hi, I just wanted to ask if anyone knows who makes or sells this type of coolant reservoir tank; I stumbled upon it and wanted to know if anyone knew about it. Thanks!
Project Classic Motobricks / Re: 1987 K75S restoration...this one's gonna be "fun".
« Last post by Romonobyl on January 19, 2025, 09:58:21 PM »
K75 spark plug leads have a "resistive gap" in them. They're an open circuit if you apply an ohmmeter to them.

A little voice told me to hold off on ordering those cables. I did a search for troubleshooting the ignition system (obviously from some "lesser" website) and that's where I got those ohm readings from, but I also found it strange that all three cables were equally "bad". While it's good news that I didn't waste money on unnecessary new parts, now I'm going to have to dig deeper as to why I'm not getting any spark. I already disconnected and cleaned the connectors for both the ignition and fuel injection control units, I did the same to the ground lug under the tank. I know there's voltage going to the coils, but if I'm reading the wiring diagram correctly (a challenge as the aviation-grade schematics I'm familiar with use a very different format), the ICU controls the ignition pulses via the ground using data from the HES.

I guess it's back to the drawing board, I have a copy of Bert's troubleshooting guide and I'll have to patiently go through each step. Tedious but certainly better than just firing the parts cannon, especially considering how much the ammo costs.

Thanks as always Duck for the heads up, I appreciate how everyone has been patient with this newbie and keeping me from doing something stupid. Believe my I'll need all the help I can get in that department!
The Motobrick Workshop / Re: No crank but will easily bump start
« Last post by EdwarddRichtofen on January 19, 2025, 09:10:48 PM »
Thank you for the link. I will do that rehab along with this…

…and will report back… got the oil head in the living room right now so this project will have to wait till that one is done…
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