Time for a well deserved update - this is after all a fill in project meant to provide stress relief when required.
Up here in the Fraser Valley of BC, we've had more than our share of stress, starting with the radical heat dome and record setting summer high temperatures, followed by out of control fires. A brief time where riding was actually possible ended as record setting rain flooded our entire valley and destroyed every highway and mountain pass leading in/ out of Dodge. Vast devastation. Now, concurrent snow storms, freezing rain, and all manner of severe winter is like cake icing - and did I mention it is normally just a mild/ rainy climate? Surely there must be some bad behavior by locals to bring this on - but not by reason of this project which is well mannered and being slowly developed to maintain close to original bike appearance.
Some photos, just small chapters of the progress:

Oil and Coolant Pressure Feeds.JPG (57.44 kB . 768x576 - viewed 757 times) Formed high pressure tubing for security. I believe I'll form a small guard to mount discretely just in front of connection points. Coolant feed is to the center section.

Banjo for Oil Feed and Sensor.JPG (66.23 kB . 768x576 - viewed 756 times) Fabbed this little "banjo" to maintain stock pressure sensor while providing for the oil feed circuit to cartridge.

Inlet Runner.JPG (40.58 kB . 768x576 - viewed 763 times) Inlet feed from the air to air, will have an air temperature sensor on the 3/8" fpt port.

Charge Air Cooler.JPG (72.26 kB . 768x576 - viewed 709 times) The charge air cooler will sit discretely below tank, I'm currently fashioning some tins to allow a small 3" bilge fan to force cool ambient air thru it and onward over the marine heat blanket that will wrap the turbine housing and exit plumbing. Hot air to the rear left side.

G.A..JPG (78.71 kB . 768x576 - viewed 732 times) Bit of a general arrangement view. Very unfinished.

B.O.V off Charge Air.JPG (44.45 kB . 768x576 - viewed 751 times) A Bosch blow off valve with a Motobins filter will hide on the right side. I'm going to plumb the crankcase vent through a small cleanable "externally vented" filter assembly, not showing in any photos, you can't connect to inlet or vapours will contaminate cooler etc.

Air Filter Canister.JPG (43.69 kB . 768x576 - viewed 755 times) Transitioning to a round, canister encased air filter that will sit roughly where one of the ABS pumps had been (those have been removed).
Cheers, Lorne