After having aligned the alternator monkey nutz correctly, the rattling noise was completely gone and all back to normal so I thought.
Went for a long-ish test ride yesterday and all was good until the bike started to run more and more erratically till the point it was back-firing and surging. Stopped, tried to start it but no-go.. battery kaput.
Luckily I was on a downhill slope so roll started in 3rd no problem but had a hell of a time nursing her home.. I had to leave the lights off and not use indicators at all, even using the brakes would cause the engine to quit. Battery had just enough juice to keep her running until 300m from home she gave up completely. It's a heavy bike to push, even just 300m.
Realised the battery warning light hadn't come on at all since putting it all back together and I never bothered to check since the alternator worked perfectly before, brushes are good etc.. not sure about the diode. The battery light on the dash is not lighting up at all like used to, maybe the bulb is blown?? What else in the circuit could be causing a no charge state?
Before I did any work on the alternator, it was all working perfectly.
To add, all I did to the alternator was change both bearings whilst I had it out to change the shaft seal.