decided to fix the trashed splines on the driveshaft. ordered an Ei driveshaft from Ted's Beemershop. arrived in less than a week. yeah!

planned install this morning before a ride tomorrow. bad idea.
got the old one out by pulling the final drive and pulling.

shocking the amount of slop in the joint between the diff and the DS with the old DS compared to the Ei one. this is going to be great!.
went to put the new one in...not gonna go.
new u-joints way too big to fit the easy way. argh. have to remove whole carrier and insert from front.
more mess and time i had not planned on.

what a pita. driveshaft would not go on and "snap" lock in. finally got it on and DS would not go straight. flexed it up...felt something snap. took whole dang thing apart again.
DS was built incorrectly. grease nipple was on the wrong side of joint. it was interfering with the end of the tranny output shaft....and broke off.

now i have disassembled bike and no driveshaft. (not going to put the trashed old one back in)
Ted was helpful on the phone, but i got the last DS he had in stock. he is going to deal with manufacturer this week to get a replacement.