So, I was riding about two weeks ago on a fairly hot day to a local bar. The parking lot was gravel/dirt and I didn't have good leverage for center stand, so I popped it on the side stand. It sat there for about an hour or two before I rode about 15 mins home. About 10 mins into my ride, the bike died and wouldn't start back up. Cranked, battery charged and fine, but it wasn't getting fuel. I suspected vapor lock because I left it overnight and returned in the morning, and was able to get it home.
Cut to today - charged the battery, changed the fuel and vacuum lines, changed the pump, still no start. It got close a couple times, and started a few times in the past few days, but it was in my garage. Today, it was sitting outside.
Bike is a 1988 BMW K75C. I heard it could be the hall effect sensor, but I've got no idea. ODO is at approx 67,500
Where do I start? Any advice?
UPDATE: 9:43PM. Tried starting, nothing. Cleaned the connections on the ignition switch and it made no difference.