Hello all,
First, I made some mods on my bike, remove the big air box and put my air flow meter verticaly with a big cornet.
I have an unstable rpm a idle and low rpm (just after idle, after it's perfect, working like a fighter plane ;-) could not say precisely because for now my rpm counter is out of order but I say between 1000 and 1500-2000 rpm).
Of course I made butterfly synch, and it is a little better. I will have soon new injector and already check pressure regulator who look to work well (but could not measure pressure because I havent manometer for now)
Before exploring more my problem, is there here some peoples who made this mod ? is is a common problem with vertical air flow meter ?
(because I suspect at low rpm the the flow meter flap could oscillate in vertical position)
(and unfortunately I never run the bike before the air flow modification)
Thanks for your return!
oh please no answer like : put your air box back... this is no way ..

(it's a special dedication for a Frenchman
