Author Topic: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed  (Read 1513 times)

Offline Gerben

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K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« on: May 30, 2023, 10:59:57 AM »

First of all thanks in advance if you already took the time to read my questions!

So I have a K75 (95 model), rebuilding it to a caferacer. All welding, Ducati stearing bar and most of the work I finished successfully, also my electrics are working besides on thing... I just can't get my battery light working!. All other things like lighting, hazard light are working fine. It is just the battery indicator and I expect the battery also not charge correctly. Attached the scheme I use from acewell, connecting with my BEP3.0. I also don't see any cable connecting with the battery indicator on the dash?? So I am a bit lost, hope anyone can point me in the right direction.

Any help would be highly appreciated

Dash : Acewell CA085

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Offline Laitch

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #1 on: May 30, 2023, 04:14:39 PM »
Your photos are too small for convenient interpretation. Also, the claw hammer in one of your photos is slightly disturbing my understanding of what is happening. Are you pulling nails, or hammering them into the frame? Regardless, my 1995 K75 has a light gauge blue wire connecting the alternator to the OEM instrument cluster. When output of the alternator is sufficient to charge the battery, the alternator (charge/battery) light in the cluster is shut off.
In the spirit of posting unreadable graphics  :laughing4-giggles: , I have attached a photo of a Brick's wiring diagram showing the path of that blue wire (indicated by red arrows).  Also attached is a photo of your BEP—turned right-side up—with an arrow pointing to the ALT (alternator) wire connection. What happens with it is up to you, of course. All this is my best guess based on current weather and mood conditions here. There are several members who have worked with this Acewell instrument; maybe they will chime in.

Good luck with your modification.
  • Along the Ridley in Vermont.
  • 1995 K75 89,000 miles

Offline Gerben

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2023, 05:14:43 PM »
Hi Laitch,

First off all, thank you very much for your reply. I did some pictures of your bike, which looked awesome. Regarding the hammer, I needed it to fit that exhaust on, cause it was not a real good fit, But that's done.

I don't know why the pictures didn't went trough high res. Attached two of the orginal bep3.0 and the acewell wiring.

Your suggestion of using the blue wire to connect to the ALT seem logical, but at the same time, I just don't get my head around how the acewell is actually getting that voltage towards the speedometer? The diagram or even the lack of any cable running towards the dash is missing.

Again, I am decent with the welding, but amateur with the electric. How anyone could point me in the right direction. Or maybe the actual light is never workjing in the dashboard and I am just bypassing it with the blue wire straight to the ALT?

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Offline rbm

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2023, 05:34:06 PM »
The BEP 3.0 will handle the alternator exciter wire for you.  There is an output on the BEP labelled ALT.  This output needs to be connected to your Acewell gauge wiring.  I don't see a specific wire called out in your schematic but pictures online of the CA085 suggests that there is a battery indicator.  So you'll have to identify the wire on your Acewell which is for this indicator.  Once you identify it, wire it into the ALT output on your BEP.
  • Regards, Robert
Toronto, Ontario

1987 K75 - Build Blog @

Offline Laitch

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2023, 05:54:26 PM »
I don't see a specific wire called out in your schematic but pictures online of the CA085 suggests that there is a battery indicator.  So you'll have to identify the wire on your Acewell which is for this indicator.
I just reviewed a thread discussion on K100 concerning the Acewell 2853 H1 between D'Ecosse and you, rbm. I take from the observations that the connection of the light blue wire with the triangle symbol wire in the Acewell diagram could be tried. Unfortunately, there was no feedback from the member doing the modification.
  • Along the Ridley in Vermont.
  • 1995 K75 89,000 miles

Offline rbm

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2023, 06:12:15 PM »
Thanks @Laitch.  I remember that discussion.  Yes any indicator on the Acewell could be pressed into service as a battery/charge indicator so long as it is ACTIVE LOW, meaning the LED indicator gets illuminated when the signal sent to it goes to ground. 

The schematic you posted @Gerben in post #2 is for a completely different gauge and doesn't match your CA085.  I can't find a schematic online for the CA085 so I'm limited as to how I can help.
  • Regards, Robert
Toronto, Ontario

1987 K75 - Build Blog @

Offline Gerben

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2023, 02:27:44 AM »
I just reviewed a thread discussion on K100 concerning the Acewell 2853 H1 between D'Ecosse and you, rbm. I take from the observations that the connection of the light blue wire with the triangle symbol wire in the Acewell diagram could be tried. Unfortunately, there was no feedback from the member doing the modification.

Hi Laith, I am not so fast with feedback, as I haven't had the time to try your suggestion. So what I understand is you suggestion to use the blue cable and connect it to the alt. I should try that see if that works
  • Amsterdam
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Offline Gerben

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2023, 02:30:30 AM »
Thanks @Laitch.  I remember that discussion.  Yes any indicator on the Acewell could be pressed into service as a battery/charge indicator so long as it is ACTIVE LOW, meaning the LED indicator gets illuminated when the signal sent to it goes to ground. 

The schematic you posted @Gerben in post #2 is for a completely different gauge and doesn't match your CA085.  I can't find a schematic online for the CA085 so I'm limited as to how I can help.

Hi Rbm,

First of all thanks for the help! I am not sure the scheme is indeed different, the pictures where just horrible.

Here the link to the digital scheme of the CA085

The thing I just can't get my head around, why nowhere in the scheme does is show the battery (indicactor) cable. But again, electrical is not really my thing.
  • Amsterdam
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Offline rbm

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2023, 06:22:41 AM »
The answer to your question is right in the first paragraph of the document you linked.  Try grounding either the Blue wire or the Green wire to see which LED gets illuminated.  When the Battery light goes on, then remember the wire color and hook that wire up to ALT on the BEP.

Don't connect the Blue alternator wire to the ALT output on the BEP, as suggested earlier.  It's not going to work.
  • Regards, Robert
Toronto, Ontario

1987 K75 - Build Blog @

Offline Gerben

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2023, 11:51:15 AM »
Hi Robert,

Thanks for the reply and my english is not so good so maybe I mistunderstood things.

I did read the diagram and the first paragraoh, the issue however is that there is no green wire or blue wire coming out of the cable set from the CA085. So bascially the diagram and actual situation don't match. Attached pictures of the cable sets.

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Offline rbm

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #10 on: June 01, 2023, 12:35:48 PM »
I see there is a Yellow wire. Have you tried grounding that wire?
  • Regards, Robert
Toronto, Ontario

1987 K75 - Build Blog @

Offline Gerben

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #11 on: June 01, 2023, 12:37:32 PM »
Yes I did ground that cable, didn't changed the light.

I am now thinking about following the cable out of the orginal alternator and see where they lead me to.
  • Amsterdam
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Offline rbm

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Re: K75 , ACEWELL and BIP 3.0 Help needed
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2023, 07:40:23 PM »
If you haven't touched the OEM connectors that used to go to the OEM instrument cluster, then tracing the blue wire from the alternator will lead you right to Pin 9 on that connector, which you will find out is conveniently plugged into the BEP 3.0.

If you can't call Acewell and get help, then the alternative is to buy a 12V bulb and make your own charge light.  One side will go to +12V somewhere on the bike and the other side will go to ALT output on the BEP.
  • Regards, Robert
Toronto, Ontario

1987 K75 - Build Blog @
