Updates to the K saga -
The bike now has 4,100 miles. I've taken care of a few nagging jobs -rebuilt the cooling system with new seals and a new impeller (at least 7 flushings), flushed all other fluids, bought a laminar lip, added .75in risers to the handlebars, wrapped the horns in some padded material since they loved to rattle, and, yes.... a red seat using bright red marine vinyl. It took several samples to get the right red (don't worry, the original vinyl is saved). I was inspired by some initial sketches of the RS, the R80GS, and red on white is very "of the time." I'm 6'5", so I added 1/2 an inch to the height while attempting to preserve the original shape of the seat since it's integral to the bike's design. The foam is wrapped in plastic, headliner material, and vinyl, using the original rivet holes to secure it cleanly.
Usually a sucker for well-used vehicles, this is the first machine ever where I'm the sole mile-maker which is a proud feeling.
We line up different phases of our lives with various machines, and this summer has brought on a new era associated with this one. I just got out of a long-term relationship and moved from the Portland area and the PNW darkness to the other side of the mountains, where I feel much more at home - Central Oregon. To those unfamiliar with the area, the Cascade Mountains block most of the rain associated with the dark Northwest weather. I feel closer to the West and the rest of the country. Ten minutes in any direction is a lifetime of exploration. I'm happier, the bike has a garage, and we're ready for new things.
I lost both the hazard icon and the choke lever cap mid-ride. That cap is easy to get, but I don't know what to do about that hazard icon.

If anyone in the area needs a riding buddy, hit me up!