Got the subject bike home last night. The seller gave me a couple of boxes of parts he had removed including the accessories, the aforementioned fork brace (it's aftermarket), tragkorb mounting brackets, and a bag of bolts and hardware.
Unfortunately, he had gutted the inside of the fairing years ago and hadn't saved any of it. Apparently, he had laid the bike down (as scratches on the crank-side engine case attest) and when he had the fairing repaired and repainted, he removed the mountings for the mirrors and threw away the fairing inners. When I got it home I looked closely and there are none of the mountings, etc. remaining.
(not allowing me to attach a pic here)
Although the focus will be to get the bike running and sorted mechanically, I will be looking for all the inner panels and mounting brackets to restore all that. I downloaded a parts diagram I found online to aid in ID'ing what I'll need.
Question - I see some inner panels that incorporate gages. That seller said there were never gages that he recalls. Was that a later year, US market, or RT/LT thing? This bike is an '86 European market bike.