I finally finished doing some update work to my K100RS. A while ago I purchased an RS fairing kit from TMG. Not only did he send the fairings, but all the other parts and bits that would be needed, so much appreciated!
It has taken a while because the fairings would need to be painted to match the color of the bike. I decided to take on the painting task by myself. I wanted the paint work to be good and cheap. (so it wasn't obviously going to be fast) A buddy from work who had some auto body painting experience, would be my mentor and helped out when things got more complex. (like the clear coat)
I wanted the paint and body work to look good from 12 inches, and the color to be an exact match. This meant that we would have to lay down a gray prime coat since the final color is affected by the prime layers. (we learned this the hard way)
The fairing panels were in good shape and only required some fill in where there some deep pebble and rock hits. (mostly in the belly pan) I learned that the way to get good paint is in the prep. The painting is easy, the prep is hard. I wet sanded again and again. A few times I messed up on a paint layer and had to wait for it to dry and then sand it all down again. My hands were wrinkled and sore from all the wet sanding.
This process dragged on for months and months, but we finally finished and I installed the newly painted fairings.
The Primer layer
Factory match paint from the local Auto Body Paint Supply
The Install
I also figured out a way to discreetly install a pair if high intensity LED driving lights just under the front cowling:
The finished look
(photo by Victory Jon)
I really like the look of these fairings, the bike has a clean, aggressive look that I prefer. I am proud to say that this paint job will stand the 12 inch inspection and is a dead nuts color match.
It was a long, laborious process. We got side tracked quite a bit with Covid19 lockdown. It hit us hard and we had to think fast to keep the shop open and people working. We also lost a couple of elder statesmen of our business to the virus.
I would like to thank TMG for providing me the fairings and all the other bits and pieces and my work buddy/mentor for his time in teaching me. I'm pretty pleased with the result.