MOTOBRICK RIDING > Photographic Ride Reports

old lufty cat


here's an old lufty catalog, most likely pre matthias dobner, when "mister air" primarily dealt with fairigs like pichler;
was for all brands, later luftmeister was just bmw, until he pissed off rb and then jumped ship completely

i'm thinking this guy was the brains of the later lufty that went to bmw exclusively


The Mighty Gryphon:
 :johnny250hp at the rear wheel!!! :johnny

yeah, that’s a pretty high “estimate”
plenty of hp, even for most autos

with those numbers and some lufty $$$, a dyno run would back it up
 & make it more than just an advertisement 
 instead of estimating
 could have been quick & easy PROOF
 maybe more or maybe less

Great catalog cover! Big hair and tshirts with colored trim around the neckline and sleeves, yikes. The fairings are timeless though.


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