Well I have quite the project. Waaay back in 1986 I was a 22 year old kid and managed to save up just enough to buy a brand new 1987 K75S. It was my daily driver for quite some time, including trips to the California coast and parts of the Midwest. Fast-forward to the mid-nineties and suddenly I'm married and buying a new house. Immediately after parking the Brick in the garage for the first time it broke down, fuel pump packed it in. In the process of replacing the pump I noticed quite a bit of frame rust, so I pulled off all the bodywork to do some sanding and repainting.
This is where the "life happens" part you've all been expecting shows up. Speaking of expecting, I was putzing around in my new garage one afternoon when my wife came home from her doctor's appointment with big news. Yep, the garage (and its contents) will have to be put on hold while we set up the nursery. Needless to say life didn't stop happening so that beautiful Lava-Red beast sat neglected for years. I did make the effort of doing a little preservation, including spraying oil in each cylinder, but it just continued to collect dust until all to recently.
Kids are grown, moved and have families of their own now and I'm already retired, so I'm out of excuses. Not surprisingly the idle time did it's fair amount of damage to the bike, the master cylinders are all seized and the "new" fuel pump is no good among other obvious signs of deterioration. The good news is that the engine spun easily when I hotwired the starter, so that's something.
I no doubt will be using this forum to a great extent, I'll try my hardest not to be a pest but I'm sure I'll have a million questions (after searching the threads first of course). I'm looking forward to this project and will be sure to post plenty of details and pictures of my progress. All I can ask for now is to wish me luck, I'm sure I'll need it.
EDIT: The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed my actual sign-on date was way back in 2016. That was when I first intended to start this project but it was cut short once again so I figured it would be best to start fresh.