Author Topic: 09-03-29 Cleveland Forest Road  (Read 3174 times)

Offline johnny

  • TrailBrakingThrottleWhacker
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09-03-29 Cleveland Forest Road
« on: May 01, 2011, 01:34:50 PM »
not as picturesque as shaklee909s post... but here you go...

met up with fjrme and rolled thru the santa rosa plateau...

killed lotts o bugs just getting down there... some say im addicted to pledge...

it was really foggy when we rode up the hill...

but it went from being in a dense cloud to just cloudy...

there were several areas of water in the road... nothing treacherous though...

the roads were clear and very little traffic... cant remember the names of any of them... 

meandering roads through the avocado groves... grapefruit groves... and eucalyptus... it was odoriferous...

heading to penfolds cafe for food... i forgot to take photos... but those were some of the best blueberry pancakes i have ever had... only exception the flying ducks were better...

lambergoonie passing fjrme in the turn lane... then the clown pulled into the circle k and got 5 dollars of 87 octane...

lake elsinore from the top of the hill...

we split up at the ortega... there was a ducati rig at hells kitchen where they were apparently doing demo rides... no photo... sorry...

then we took live oak and santiago canyon... this is cooks corner... the dude on the v twin was sideways in the oncoming lane... the all of a sudden he rolled across my lane directly in front of me... never looked... lets just say +1 abs...

there you are...

j o
  • :johnny i parks my 96 eleven hundert rs motobrick in dodge county cheezconsin  :johnny
